Saturday, March 21, 2020

Abrahamic, East Asian and South Asian Religions and Concept of Religious Tolerance

Abrahamic, East Asian and South Asian Religions and Concept of Religious Tolerance While there is no particular unequivocal commandment in the holy books that states ‘thou shall not permit intolerance’, it is without doubt that religious tolerance on values, truth and beliefs is yet to be realized since it is the nature of religions to compete. Studies indicate that the capacity religions have been massively affected by competition, religious condemnations and conflicts.Advertising We will write a custom essay sample on Abrahamic, East Asian and South Asian Religions and Concept of Religious Tolerance specifically for you for only $16.05 $11/page Learn More Carlos argues that religious tolerance is an important component that encompasses a moral reason by a particular religion to practice restraint from making counterproductive utterances or interfering with the affairs of other religions (777). Different religions have diverse sets of beliefs and practices. This has bred lack of tolerance. It is from this consideration that t his paper provides an in-depth analysis of Abrahamic, East Asian and South Asian religions with regards to the concept of religious tolerance. A brief analysis of the concept of religious tolerance Perhaps, Costa was correct when he indicated that a society will never be successful until it addresses fully the problem of religious tolerance among different religions (322). Religious differences in terms of practices and beliefs have been major causes of conflicts and religious disagreements in countries like Bosnia, Beirut and Belfast for many years. Of critical importance is the distressing issue of terrorism by Al Qaeda that has projected wars on a global scale. It is indeed true that religious tolerance and the problem of religious diversity present a major danger to individuals, societies and the world at large. This springs from certain religions which view themselves as better and more advanced than others (323). Owing to this peculiar alignment, these religions develop specif ic standards that are mostly used to define them from others and use it as the main platform for judging others. At this point, analysts tend to wonder why a religious group would disregard others and holistically undermine the need for diversity. Theologians and philosophers almost unanimously agree that religious diversity and tolerance present a challenging problem that poses epistemological challenges. The major world religions such as Islam, Christianity, Judaism, Buddhism and Hinduism have different belief systems which make them unique. This presents major challenges as addressed below.Advertising Looking for essay on religion theology? Let's see if we can help you! Get your first paper with 15% OFF Learn More Abrahamitic religions Abrahanmic religions as Neal posits is a group of monotheistic faith whose beginning can be traced from Abraham and which emphasizes spiritual practices of Abraham (497). Some of the Abrahamic religions include Islam, Chris tianity and Judaism. The latter believe that religious practices and beliefs sprang from Abraham’s grandson named Jacob. It views God in a strictly unitary manner and prefers the Hebrew Bible. On the other hand, Christianity evolved into a religion from Judaism with its own set of practices and beliefs. Christianity as a religion is considered to be a belief system based on the life and teachings of Jesus. These teachings found in the Bible show God’s saving plan for humanity through Jesus Christ. In this belief system, Christians are also made to believe that demons and angels exist and that they (Christians) are partners with God in accomplishing God’s purposes. Finally, Islam is a religion which as formed in the 7th century BC in Arabia (Carlos 777). Its adherents who are the Muslims, believe in the ultimate authority, teachings and practices of the Quran ad Muhammad. While Abrahamic religions share certain similarities like monotheistic believes and a regard of God as the supreme source of moral law, it is without uncertainty that they exhibit different fundamental doctrines, beliefs and practices through which they can mobilize philosophical arguments. For instance, Christian practices and beliefs such as mystical virtuosi and mundane experiences differ with that of Islam which does not believe in the Holy Spirit, a consideration which each religion justifies from its source of moral law. Besides, Christian practices of forced conversion such as those practiced by the Roman Catholic Church goes against the practices of other religions and do not only offend human dignity, but also pollute the religion (Schmidt-Leukel 379). Muslims believe in proselytizing their religion and forcefully spread it to an extent of killing those who reject their faith through holy wars (Husin, Malek and Gapor 113). Judaism unlike Christianity rejects explicit missionaries and believes that righteousness comes from adhering to Noahide laws (Husin, Malek and Gapor 113).These differences among others present vexing challenges to tolerance and pitch one religion as an unvanquished rival to the rest.Advertising We will write a custom essay sample on Abrahamic, East Asian and South Asian Religions and Concept of Religious Tolerance specifically for you for only $16.05 $11/page Learn More East Asian and South Asian religions East Asian religions are a group of religions considered to be distinct religions families forming the subset of Eastern religions. Some of the religions in this group as indicated by Schmidt-Leukel include Chinese, Mahayana Buddhism, Confucianism, Chongdogyo, Chen Tao, Shinto, Caodaism and Taoism (379). It is imperative to point out that their philosophies, practices and concepts are based on Tao. Studies reveal that while the East Asian Religious practices differ with those of major religious groups, they bear some semblance with those of the Indian religions and Abrahamic religions. Even so, Costa argues that this does not mean that members of the Abrahamic religion tolerate East Asian religions as they exhibit major peculiarities (323). One of them is their non-theistic or polytheistic nature with other varieties like agnostic, panestheistic and henostheistic in Asia and abroad. While most of the East Asian religions find their tolerance of each other on Tao, other religions find it difficult to embrace and tolerate their practice such as emptiness, relativism and spontaneity in Taoism and belief in animistic spirits in Confucianism. On the other hand, South Asian religions such as Hinduism and Buddhism have been considered by many analysts as dynamic and vibrant religious faith in the world today due to the fusion of non-Verdict Shramana traditions of native south Asia with the verdict religion of Indo-Aryan. An analysis of religious tolerance The ability of religions or adherents of different religions to display tolerance despite their diversity in practices and be liefs is one of the key platforms towards greater cooperation, adherence, holistic contribution by all and eventual growth and development of a society. Minimizing religious conflicts has been considered by Quinn as a main principle that could facilitate a new outline towards a highly united society at the local and national level (136). In agreement, Quinn’s indication that addressing problems affecting religious tolerance requires a holistic involvement at all levels in world religions appears to cohere with that of Schmidt-Leukel who indicates that it is the dark cloud of religious wars that has over the years suppressed the ability of the individuals and the society to progress (379).Advertising Looking for essay on religion theology? Let's see if we can help you! Get your first paper with 15% OFF Learn More One such difference as already indicated in the paper is the practice by Christians of forceful conversion and the Jihad of Muslims or their forceful spread of Islamic beliefs. However, analysts appear divided over the actual methods that could be employed in addressing the problem. Up to date, most religions that do not share beliefs and practices have failed to tolerate each other and instead referred to others as alien and their practices as ridiculous. Take for instance the perspective held by Christian that they are the religion that is closer to the truth than others (Husin, Malek and Gapor 113). This not only creates the notion of competition and pride, but sets other religions as inferior. The Muslims on the other hand, are persuaded by their belief to slay unbelievers through acts of war, a consideration that makes other religions to recoil with horror. This has led to religious discrimination mostly witnesses between Christians and Muslims. As if that is not enough, Quinn pillories that the trial to infer balance and tolerance between one religion and another has remained a hard nut to crack (137). However, it is the resilience of wars between religious facts that has remained a thorn in the fresh for long. In the Middle East, Husin, Malek and Gapor indicate that both Muslims and Christian consider themselves be superior and therefore invoke major conflicts in the region (112). Further on religion, Quinn accuses the followers advocating water while they take wine by failing to adhere to doctrines of brotherliness and care for others as advocated for by Christ, Gautama and Mohammed in Islam (139). Conclusions From the discussion, it is clear that different religions have various practices and beliefs that govern them. These differences have largely contributed towards the challenge of religious tolerance since each religion seems to idealize its practice and regard others as inferior. There is need for religions to desist from condemning and criticizi ng practices and belief systems held by others. Instead, there is need to cultivate respect, understanding and tolerance. Carlos, Valderrama Adrians. Tolerance and religious freedom: the struggle in Peru to tolerate multiple cultures in light of principles of religious freedom. Brigham Young University Law Review 2007.3 (2007): 775-790. Print. Costa, Gustavo. John Locke, Toleration and early enlightenment culture: religious intolerance and arguments for religious tolerance in early modern and ‘early enlightenment’ Europe. Renaissance Quarterly 60.1 (2007): 322-3223. Print. Husin Azrina, Nor Malina Malek and Salfarina, Abdul Gapor. Cultural and religious tolerance and acceptance in urban housing: a study of multi-ethnic Malaysia. Asian Social Science 8.2 (2012): 112-118. Print. Neal, Lynn. The first prejudice: religious tolerance and intolerance in early America. Journal of Church and State 53.3 (2011): 497-499. Print. Quinn, Philip L. On religious diversity tolerance. Daedalus 134.1 (2005): 136-139. Print. Schmidt-Leukel, Perry. Beyond tolerance: towards a new step in inter-religious relationships. Scottish Journal of Theology 55.4 (2002): 379-391. Print.

Thursday, March 5, 2020

Major Events That Led to the American Revolution

Major Events That Led to the American Revolution The American Revolution was a war between the 13 British Colonies in North America and Great Britain. It lasted from  April 19, 1775, to  Sept. 3, 1783, a little over 8 years, and resulted in independence for the colonies.   Timeline of the War The following timeline discusses the events that led to the American Revolution,  beginning with the end of the French and Indian War in 1763. It follows the thread of increasingly unpopular British policies against the American colonies until the colonists objections and actions led to open hostility. The war itself would last from 1775 with the Battles of Lexington and Concord until the official end of hostilities in February 1783. The Treaty of Paris was later signed in September of the same year. 1763 February 10 - The Treaty of Paris ends the French and Indian War. After the war, the British continue to fight a number of Indian rebellions including one led by Chief Pontiac of the Ottawa Indians. The financially draining war combined with the increased military presence for protection will be the impetus for many future taxes and actions of the British government against the colonies.October 7 - The Proclamation of 1763 is signed forbidding settlement west of the Appalachian Mountains. This area is to be set aside and governed as Indian territory. 1764 April 5 - Grenville Acts pass parliament. These include a number of acts aimed at raising revenue to pay for the French and Indian War debts along with the cost of administering the new territories granted at the end of the war. They also include measures to increase the efficiency of the American custom system. The most objectionable part was the Sugar Act, known in England as the American Revenue Act. It increased duties on items ranging from sugar to coffee to textiles.April 19 - The Currency Act passes Parliament, prohibiting the colonies from issuing legal tender paper money.May 24 - Boston town meeting protesting the Grenville measures. James Otis first discusses the complaint of taxation without representation and calls for the colonies to unite.June 12-13 - Massachusetts House of Representatives creates a Committee of Correspondence to communicate with the other colonies about their grievances.August - Boston merchants begin a policy of nonimportation of British luxury goods as a form of protest against the British economic policies. This later spreads to other colonies. 1765 March 22 - The Stamp Act passes parliament. It is the first direct tax on the colonies. The purpose of the tax is to help pay for the British military stationed in America. This act is met with greater resistance and the cry against taxation without representation increases.March 24 - The Quartering Act goes into effect in the colonies requiring residents to provide housing for British troops stationed in America.May 29 - Patrick Henry begins the discussion of the Virginia Resolutions asserting the right that only Virginia has the right to tax itself. The House of Burgesses adopts some of his less radical statements including the right to self-government.July - Sons of Liberty organizations are founded in towns across the colonies in order to fight against the stamp agents, often with outright violence.October 7-25 - Stamp Act Congress occurs in New York City. It includes representatives from Connecticut, Delaware, Maryland, Massachusetts, New Jersey, New York, Pennsylvania, Rhode Is land, and South Carolina. Petition against the Stamp Act is created to be delivered to King George III. November 1 - The Stamp Act goes into effect and all business is basically stopped as colonists refuse to use the stamps. 1766 February 13 - Benjamin Franklin testifies before Parliament about the Stamp Act and warns that if the military is used to enforce it, this could lead to open rebellion.March 18 - The Stamp Act is repealed. However, the Declaratory Act is passed which gives the British government the power to legislate any laws of the colonies without restriction.December 15 - The New York Assembly continues to fight against the Quartering Act, refusing to allocate any funds for housing the soldiers. The crown suspends the legislature on December 19th. 1767 June 29 - Townshend Acts pass parliament introducing a number of external taxes including duties on items like paper, glass, and tea. Additional infrastructure is set up to ensure enforcement in America.October 28 - Boston decides to reinstate nonimportation of British goods in response to the Townshend Acts.December 2 - John Dickinson publishes Letters From a Farmer in Pennsylvania to the Inhabitants of the British Colonies explaining the issues with British actions to tax the colonies. It is highly influential. 1768 February 11 - Samuel Adams sends a letter with the approval of the Massachusetts Assembly arguing against the Townshend Acts. It is later protested by the British government.April - An increasing number of legislative assemblies support Samuel Adams letter.June - After a confrontation over Customs violations, John Hancocks ship Liberty is seized in Boston. Customs officials are threatened with violence and escape to Castle William in Boston Harbor. They send out a request for help from British troops.September 28 - British warships arrive to help support the customs officials in Boston Harbor.October 1 - Two British regiments arrive in Boston to maintain order and enforce customs laws. 1769 March - A growing number of key merchants support nonimportation of goods listed in the Townshend Acts.May 7 - George Washington presents nonimportation resolutions to the Virginia House of Burgesses. Proclamations are sent out from Patrick Henry and Richard Henry Lee to King George III.May 18 - After the Virginia House of Burgesses is dissolved, the delegates including George Washington meet at the Raleigh Tavern in Williamsburg to endorse the nonimportation agreement. 1770 March 5 - Boston Massacre occurs killing five colonists and injuring six. This is used as a propaganda piece against the British military.April 12 - English crown partially repeals the Townshend Acts except for the duties on tea. 1771 July - Virginia becomes the last colony to abandon the nonimportation pact after the repeal of the Townshend Acts. 1772 June 9 - The British customs vessel Gaspee is attacked off the coast of Rhode Island. The men are set ashore and the boat is burned.September 2 - The English crown offers a reward for the capture of those who burnt the Gaspee. The offenders are to be sent to England for trial which upsets many colonists as it violates self-rule.November 2 - A Boston town meeting led by Samuel Adams results in a 21-member committee of correspondence to coordinate with other Massachusetts towns against the threat to self-rule. 1773 May 10 - The Tea Act goes into effect, retaining the import tax on tea and giving the East India Company the ability to undersell colonial merchants.December 16 - The Boston Tea Party occurs. After months of growing consternation with the Tea Act, a group of Boston activists dressed as Mohawk Indians and boarded tea ships anchored in Boston Harbor in order to dump 342 casks of tea into the water. 1774 February - All colonies except North Carolina and Pennsylvania have created committees of correspondence.March 31 - The Coercive Acts pass parliament. One of these is the Boston Port Bill which does not allow any shipping except for military supplies and other approved cargo to go through the port until the customs duties and the cost of the Tea Party are paid for.May 13 - General Thomas Gage, the commander of all British forces in the American colonies, arrives in Boston with four regiments of troops.May 20 - Additional Coercive Acts are passed. The Quebec Act is termed intolerable as it in part the southern boundary of Canada is extended into areas claimed by Connecticut, Massachusetts, and Virginia.May 26 - Virginia House of Burgesses is dissolved.June 2 - A revised and more onerous Quartering Act is passed.September 1 - General Gage seizes the Massachusetts Colonys arsenal at Charlestown.September 5 - The First Continental Congress meets with 56 delegates in Carpenters Hall in Ph iladelphia. September 17 - The Suffolk Resolves are issued in Massachusetts urging that the Coercive Acts are unconstitutional.October 14 - The First Continental Congress adopts a Declaration and Resolves against the Coercive Acts, the Quebec Acts, the Quartering of troops, and other objectionable British actions. These resolutions include the rights of the colonists including that of life, liberty, and property.October 20 - A Continental Association is adopted to coordinate nonimportation policies.November 30 - Thomas Paine moves to America.December 14 - Massachusetts militiamen attack the British arsenal at Fort William and Mary in Portsmouth after being warned of a plan to station troops there. 1775 January 19 - The Declarations and Resolves are presented to parliament.February 9 - Massachusetts is declared in a state of rebellion.February 27 - Parliament accepts a conciliatory plan, removing many of the taxes and other issues brought up by the colonists.March 23 - Patrick Henry gives his famous Give me liberty or give me death, speech at the Virginia Convention.March 30 - The crown endorses the New England Restraining Act that does not allow for trade with countries other than England and also bans fishing in the North Atlantic.April 14 - General, now Governor, Gage in Massachusetts is ordered to use any force necessary to apply all British acts and to stop any buildup of a colonial militia.April 18-19 - Considered by many to be the beginning of the actual American Revolution, the Battles of Lexington and Concord begin with the British heading to destroy a colonial arms depot in Concord Massachusetts.